Frequently Asked Questions
Here’s a few answers to our most common questions.
You can utilize the 10-week Fitness Guide or download the TrainHeroic app to prepare for A&S. You can expect to execute all exercises you see in these guides at A&S.
If you meet the screening requirements to attend A&S, it should take you no more than 12 weeks to prepare.
Contact us for tips to success. You can also utilize all fitness preparation tools and training opportunities to better your chances of selection.
You will return to your parent command. Marine Raider Training Center may authorize and offer you the opportunity to return, as long as your career timeline supports. Ultimately, you must be determined medically qualified prior to screening for a later A&S.
MARSOC A&S does not select to a number. Selection is based on those candidates who meet all the SOF traits.
A&S is voluntary. If you are not selected, you will return to your command. A&S staff will inform you of your eligibility to re-apply.
At this time MARSOC is not offering Assessment & Selection (A&S) slots to reservists.
A candidate must have a minimum of 90 days remaining on contract from the start of A&S to attend. However, reenlistment is required prior to reporting to ITC.
There are currently no age restrictions to become a Marine Raider.
Candidates should meet the current Marine Corps intermediate swim qualification for initial screening, and will receive further training at Assessment and Selection Phase I.
Swim Assessment as follows:
Conduct abandon ship drill from a 6 meter platform (in accordance with CWS- 4).
Swim 300 meters continuously in utility blouse and trousers without combat equipment (CBE) and boots using the breast stroke or side stroke.
Tread water in a utility blouse and trousers unassisted for 11 minutes then transition to the survival float using the blouse or trouser for floating for four minutes.
Must demonstrate confidence in the water and the ability to remain afloat.
For those of you preparing for Assessment and Selection, additional aquatic preparation guidance can be found on page 23 of the 10-week training guide and log, and videos that focus on proper technique for the breast stroke and side stroke.
Operational tempo vary depending on the mission your Marine’s team is performing. A Marine Raider trains—sometimes away from home—to prepare for deployment and to ensure mission success. There is no “typical deployment,” but most pre-deployment training is 10-12 months followed by a 6-9 month deployment.
After a deployment, time with family is a command priority. Throughout your Marine’s career at MARSOC he will have the opportunity to break up his operational tempo with schools and non-deployable billets.
Marine Raiders are deployed throughout the world as needed. While there are many times in which you will be given the information you need, there will be times when the success of the mission depends upon secrecy even from family members.
Your Marine will operate in a small, highly-skilled and immaculately-trained team of Marine Raiders. MARSOC teams are bound by trust and cohesion and work effortlessly together—giving them an advantage over many military units.
Resources for families are available at this link here. You can also contact support below:
- MARSOC Family Readiness: (910) 440-0779
- MARSOC Recruiting: 1-888-93-MARSOC
MARSOC’s core activities are:
- Direct action
- Special reconnaissance
- Preparation of the environment
- Security force assistance
- Counterterrorism
- Foreign internal defense
- Counterinsurgency
MARSOC conducts missions by direction of the SOCOM Commander. These missions are normally conducted in irregular and unconventional settings. MARSOC Marines receive additional training with Special Operations Equipment and Tactics in order to fulfill these missions. USMC Recon conducts missions as part of the MAGTF in support of conventional operations.
At the conclusion of A&S you will sign a NAVMC 118(11) requiring a five year service obligation which will begin upon graduation of the Individual Training Course (ITC). This ensures Team Commanders will have the opportunity to deploy twice before in-zone eligibility for Major.
No, there are currently no time-in-service restrictions for Officers.
The leadership qualities required for success in MARSOC are in line with those required for successful leadership in any Marine Corps unit. SOO Principles, codified by the Marine Raider Training Center, are:
- Own the institution
- Provide leadership at the point of friction
- Integrate and combine capabilities
- Lead planning, bridging top-down requirements with bottom-up solutions
- Influence higher, adjacent, supporting commands and host nation partners to achieve the desired end state
No. There is no preference for any specific MOS. While the highest total percentage of selectees are in the 03XX MOS, it does not necessarily relate to an increased success rate, but more accurately reflects the disproportionate number of 03XX candidates attending A&S.
The ideal time to begin screening and working on the application process is after attaining 1stLt and well before career designation. You must attend Assessment & Selection (A&S) prior to departing your first duty station. It is best for officers to attend between their first and second deployments if assigned to a Victor unit.
Note: Officers who are not career designated can apply to attend an A&S, but you must be career designated prior to reporting Individual Training Course (ITC). However, if you have been previously screened and not selected, you must be screened, selected and accept career designation prior to applying to A&S.
You can begin the screening process shortly before promoting to First Lieutenant, then submit your application after promotion. As a Captain, your PMOS monitor must approve you to attend an Individual Training Course (ITC) with no more than 24 months’ time in grade. For applicants who are in a Victor unit, if you meet the requirements listed above, it is recommended you attend A&S between your first and second deployments.
You will return to your parent command and complete the remainder of your tour. Your monitor will write you PCS/PCA orders to the previously approved ITC. This is subject to change based on the needs of the Marine Corps and USSOCOM.
You will return to your parent command, complete the remainder of your tour, and continue your career as an officer in the Marine Corps. Your career as an officer will not be affected; there is no negative paperwork provided. Additionally, MARSOC may have other billet assignments within your PMOS, 8006, or 8007 MOSs. Contact your PMOS monitor for more information and future assignment possibilities.
Only extraordinary circumstances warrant additional opportunities for officers to attend A&S. As a Special Operations Officer (SOO) candidate, you must understand you have a very limited window to attend A&S and will likely have only one opportunity. However, those not selected at A&S, Marine Raider Training Center may authorize and offer the opportunity to return, as long as your career timeline supports.
If you reenlisted for the OPFOR bonus, you are not eligible to attend assessment and selection for MARSOC. You must meet the requirements of your contract.
An 0372 would have to request a lateral move back out of the MOS to return to the general purpose force upon completion of a 60 month tour.
0370/0372 Operators receive at a minimum SDA level 5 which is $375 on top of base pay. Special skill sets gained while at MARSOC will add corresponding special duty allowances. This may include, but not limited to: Language, Jump & Dive, Deployed Entitlements, Career SOF Incentives, Reenlistment Bonuses (Enlisted only), and Civilian Clothing Allowance while deployed.
Currently, 0372s do not fill SDA billets outside the command.
MARSOC units have a flexible deployment cycle ranging from 90 days to 8 months.
The MARSOF monitor will assign you to one of the operating battalions upon completion of ITC. EFMP members may be able to stay on current station (Pendleton/Lejeune).